Ghost Force Dog Training
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One to One Training

In our experience, one to one training has many more advantages than group settings. There is no blueprint to follow which determines your entire training time is focused around you and your dog. There is time to ask questions relative to your dog. There are less distractions. There is no judgement. There is time to work on weaknesses rather than strengths.

The feelings and emotions of your dog are placed at the very core of our unique system of training.  Based upon mutual respect and understanding, our aim is to create strong and meaningful relationships in which dogs and their owners can thrive. We treat each and every dog as an individual with no exceptions. Any breed, age or skill level: your dog is welcome.

Step 1: Contact us

We will arrange a FREE 15 minute call with you to discuss the issues you are experiencing with your dog, the training process and costs. There is NO obligation to proceed beyond this stage.

Step 2: Initial Session

In most cases, a 90 minute consultation with your trainer is necessary. It's really important we get to meet you and your dog. Understanding your goals from the outset helps us maximise your training time and progress at a tempo which suits you and your dog. It is also important for us to identify any behavioural factors which may present themselves in order to design the most effective programmes. During your first session and beyond you will be taught exactly what to do and be able to understand why were doing it!


Step 3: Continuation Training

You will be allocated homework will begin immediately after your first visit! Your follow on sessions will last 60 minutes.


Ghost Force provides a unique system of training where dogs can learn safely and effectively. We offer One-to-One in person sessions as well as Focus Days out-with your home where your dog is trained directly by a trainer in a variety of training focused locations.

Basic Training Package

Our most popular package. This offers you a 10% discount when an Initial Consultation and 3 follow up sessions are paid for in advance. A minimum of 3 follow up sessions is recommended. *Sometimes an initial training session will transition into a behavioural consultation. In these instances, your trainer will inform you of this.


*All prices are inclusive of VAT.

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